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Colorful Summer with Love! July birthday Party
Time of Publication:2024-08-02

With the enthusiasm of summer gradually heating up, on the evening of July 26, the auditorium of Vision SAT Industrial was filled with joy and laughter. On this special day, the Administration Department carefully planned a birthday party exclusive to the staff in July, through a series of interesting games and interactive links, so that each birthday star can feel the warmth and care from the big family of SAT.

Wonderful activities and fun

01 Happy stepping on balloons

The activity began, and we ushered in an exciting game session. The first is the "joy of stepping on balloons" game, each participant's feet are firmly tied to two bright balloons, they have to protect their own balloons not to be broken, but also to try to "attack" others, the scene is lively. After a fierce "battle", sales department Sun Zhaoyi with its flexible avoidance skills and accurate "attack" strategy, successfully guarded the most balloons, won bursts of applause; The friends who failed to save the balloon happily accepted the fun punishment of completing 10 push-ups, and there was a lot of laughter.

02 Quick Question and Answer session

Next, there is the "quick question and answer" section that tests the reaction speed. In this link, many colleagues were accidentally "confused" by their own words, for example, after saying "mouse" three times in a row, they unexpectedly came to the conclusion that "the cat is most afraid of mice", which caused the whole audience to burst into laughter, and the reply was still a blank face, which added a bit of fun.

03 Blindfold and walk in place

Subsequently, the boom of sports programs hit again, and several birthday stars carried out a unique "standing in place challenge" in a blindfolded state. They have 60 seconds to complete the steps in a pre-drawn box. The audience stared with bated breath, and the tension filled the air. When the first birthday girl took off her blindfold and was surprised to find that she had stepped more than one meter away from the box, everyone couldn't help but laugh; And some people are perfectly "keep the boundary", still in the circle relaxed.

04 Fun loop

The most anticipated is the subsequent loop link. The floor is filled with all kinds of cute dolls, and each participant is holding three rings, eager to try. The first is the technology center Wang Wenping, in the second ring, they accurately set their favorite doll, attracting bursts of envy. The second participant, by contrast, was less successful, failing to capture any "spoils" and leaving empty-handed. However, everyone silently prayed in their hearts, looking forward to their own good luck in the loop. In the end, each participant got their favorite doll, and the joy was beyond expression.

Happy birthday came to an end

With the cake slowly rolled out, the birthday party also ushered in the climax. In the warm atmosphere, everyone made a good wish together. Then, the birthday stars blow out the candles in turn and share the sweetness and happiness. This is followed by the much-anticipated gift-giving and card-receiving sessions. President Sun of the Administration Department personally sent the most sincere wishes and exquisite gifts to each participant, so that this warmth and joy can continue.

At this point, the warm and lively July staff birthday party also slowly came to an end. But the joy and moved by the heart, but like the breeze in summer, lingering in everyone's heart for a long time. The smile on the group photo not only frozen this beautiful moment, but also witnessed the harmony and warmth of the big family of Vision SAT Industrial. In the coming days, let us walk hand in hand and continue to create more of our wonderful and brilliant.